High School Celebrates 2021 Homecoming Week

The King Philip Regional High School 2021 Homecoming Court. Back left to right: Charlie Grant, Julia Marsden, Flynn Duffy, Adam Gousie, Lily Denholm and Mark Tagerman. Front: Peter Dadasis and Laura Gelsomini. (Photo courtesy King Philip Regional High School)
King Philip Regional High School celebrated the district’s 2021 Homecoming football game with a week of spirit-filled events, hosted by the Student Council. Throughout the week students participated in numerous spirit days including USA, Hawaiian Shirt, Camo, Flannel and Green and Gold themed days.
Members of KP Cares and the Student Council also worked alongside other clubs in the school to decorate the school green and gold with streamers and balloons ahead of students’ arrival to school on Friday, Sept. 24 in anticipation of the game.
“After having so many of our events affected by the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, it was great to see our students filled with school pride and celebrating our Spirit Week events leading up to our Homecoming game together,” KPHS Principal Lisa Mobley said.
King Philip Regional High School’s Homecoming football game was played against North Attleboro High School on Saturday, Sept. 25 after being rescheduled from Friday night due to rain.
At halftime, the Homecoming Court was presented to the crowd at the game. King Philip’s 2021 Homecoming Court includes Charlie Grant, Julia Marsden, Flynn Duffy, Adam Gousie, Lily Denholm, Mark Tagerman, Peter Dadasis and Laura Gelsomini. Of the court, Dadasis and Gelsomini were crowned Homecoming Royalty.
The Homecoming Dance was held outdoors later that night following the football game on the turf field. Over 750 students attended the dance.
“We would like to thank the parents who donated fall decorations, water and snacks; the grounds crew; the chaperones and all of the students who helped set up and clean up,” Student Council Advisor Barbara Snead said. “All of these individuals helped our Homecoming Week events go off without a hitch and we thank them for their efforts. We couldn’t have pulled this all together without them.”
King Philip Regional High School would like to recognize senior Emma Murphy, chairperson of the Homecoming Committee, and the rest of the Student Council for all of their hard work in planning and coordinating Homecoming Week events.