Thanksgiving Interfaith Service

Collection Earmarked for Gilly’s House in Wrentham
The Franklin Interfaith Council announces its annual Interfaith Thanksgiving Service for the community. Everyone is welcome! Please join us on Sunday, November 21 at 7 p.m. at St Mary’s Catholic Parish, 1 Church Square (masks required) and live streamed at, then click Live-stream Masses.
This year, the service features preacher Rev. Dr. Marylayna Schmidt, Interim Minister at Franklin Federated Church, and live performance by the Interfaith Choir, directed by Mary Diehl of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. The collection will benefit Gilly’s House addiction treatment center in Wrentham (
The Franklin Interfaith Council is an organization whose membership is composed of faith communities in the town of Franklin. It addresses the various needs of its community by recognizing the power of faith as defined by the individual spiritual traditions. However, it is these same traditions that unite us in the common goal to initiate and sponsor activities that enrich and challenge the citizens of Franklin.
The intent of the council is to sensitize the Franklin community to issues of deprivation and social injustice, and to promote tolerance and understanding through shared worship, programs, performances, and publications, and to bring the understanding of our faith traditions to bear on these issues. Additionally, through these same devices, the council seeks to acknowledge and celebrate both the diversity and the common values existing within the community. The council is a nonprofit organization that has as its primary purpose the betterment of the community it serves.
Participating Houses of Worship:
• First Universalist Society in Franklin
• St. John’s Episcopal Church
• Temple Etz Chaim
• St. Mary’s Catholic Parish
• Franklin Federated Church
• Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints
• Franklin United Methodist Church
For more information, visit or on Facebook: Franklin Interfaith Council.