February Program Highlights at the Norfolk Public Library

Visit the library’s website at https://norfolkpl.org for a complete list of all adult and children’s programs, as well as registration links.
Tips, Tricks and Trade Secrets for Gardening February 2 from 7 to 8 p.m. Award-winning container garden designer Deborah Trickett will present over 100 tips garden tips for all levels of gardeners. Virtual presentation, registration required.
Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde February 9 from 4 to 6 p.m. Monthly “Book to Film” classic movie series. Held in the Community Room, no registration required.
Memoir Writing Workshop February 10 from 2 to 4 p.m. Participants will write segments about their life and read them aloud to others to receive feedback on each piece. Program will be held on the second Thursday of the month, February through May. Held in the Schoolhouse, registration required.
Storytelling Through Edgar Allen Poe February 12 from 2 to 3:00 p.m. Storyteller Carol Mon will recite three Poe stories: “The Black Cat,” “The Pit,” and “The Tell Tale Heart.” Program is rated PG13 and not suitable for young children. Held in the Community Room. Registration required.
Blind Date with a Book February 14, all day. Let a librarian match you up with a book after completing an online profile. Book pickup plus goodies will be available Feb. 14-19. Registration required.