King Philip PTO Awards $1,000 to School’s Positive Behavioral Intervention Program

From left, PTO Secretary Michelle Berry; KP Educators Allison Donahue, Michelle Kreuzer and Michele Austin; PTO Chair Jen Gresham; KP Educators Elizabeth Burch and Patrick Holland; and PTO Treasurer Bob Paschke. (Photo courtesy King Philip Regional School District)
Last month, it was announced that the King Philip High School/Middle School Parent Teacher Organization awarded $1,000 to the school’s Positive Behavioral Intervention and Supports (PBIS) program.
Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports (PBIS) is an evidence-based, tiered framework for supporting students’ behavioral, academic, social, emotional, and mental health. By continually teaching positive behavior values and acknowledging or providing feedback on positive student behavior, the King Philip Middle School (KPMS) community promotes a climate of greater productivity, safety, and learning.
KPMS has supported the PBIS model for over two years, recognizing students for acting in the KP Way: Safe, Respectful, and Responsible. This initiative has decreased behaviors that require office referrals, and since the program’s introduction, KPMS has seen a 36% reduction in negative behaviors among students.
The PBIS Team brought news of this positive impact to the KPMS MS/HS PTO, and PTO members supported the effort with a $1,000 donation. This donation will be used to celebrate students’ engagement in the KP Way’s core values. To acknowledge students, KPMS will give out trinkets such as stickers, pencils, sunglasses, and other “swag.” The donation will be used to hold gift card raffles for students who have entered a “KP Way All-Star” ticket at the end of each eight-day cycle.
“We have seen great success with our PBIS initiative. Principal Kreuzer and our middle school teachers, staff, and PBIS leadership team have done a tremendous job in planning, implementing, and reinforcing important values that enable all of our students to think and be more community-minded, respectful, safe, and responsible learners,” Superintendent Dr. Rich Drolet said in a statement.
Principal Michelle Kreuzer added, “On behalf of our entire school community, we extend our heartfelt thanks to the PTO for their generous donation to support our PBIS program. This contribution will directly benefit our students and foster a more positive and supportive school environment. We are truly grateful for the PTO’s continued dedication to our school.”