October Program Highlights at the Norfolk Senior Center

RSVP to 508-528-4430 or register for programs in person at the Norfolk Senior Center, 28 Medway Branch Road. For a full list of activities, visit the Council on Aging page on the town’s website: norfolk.ma.us.
Thursday, October 3 at 1 p.m. Horror Films in New England Film lecturer Frank Mandosa will discuss horror movies set in/filmed in New England. RSVP required.
Saturday, October 5 from 8 to 10 a.m. Senior Center Open House Drop by the Senior Center, learn about the programs, and meet the director and Council on Aging board chair. Coffee and donuts will be served.
Tuesday, October 10 at 10 a.m. Fire Safety Talk October is Fire Prevention Month! With the cold weather coming, Captain Findlen of the Norfolk Fire Department will talk about fire safety tips within the home and the importance of checking smoke and CO detectors. RSVP requested.
Friday, October 11 at 2 p.m. Deb Squared Mocktail Friday Join Debbie Grover and Debbie Sand in a fall mocktail hour. Learn how to make and try samples of fall flavored nonalcoholic cocktails. Cider donuts and pumpkin muffins will be served. Limited to 15 people. RSVP required.
Tuesday, October 22 at 10 a.m. Fuel Assistance Q&A Outreach Coordinator Becky Poynot will discuss income guidelines, the application process, and how the program works. Becky is always available to answer questions. RSVP requested.
Tuesday, October 22 at 1 p.m. Music with Tom Cleverdon Norfolk resident Tom Cleverdon has played guitar and sung for more than 40 years at church, benefits, weddings, and family gatherings. His music focuses on folk, country, pop and classics by various artists from the Kingston Trio and Glen Campbell to Simon & Garfunkel, Jimmy Buffett, Willie Nelson, Neil Diamond, and Lee Greenwood. Enjoy some great music and sing along if you wish! RSVP requested.
Wednesday, October 23 at 1 p.m. Vampires, Madmen & Monsters with Paolo Di Gregorio Celebrate Halloween with this colorful exploration of the historical inspirations behind some of the most popular horror stories of all time. From Transylvanian tyrants and Egyptian incantations to Victorian era scientists and Romantic period writers, this talk will shed light on the dark origins of some spooky stories. RSVP requested.
Friday, October 25 at 11 a.m. Health Plan Options by BCBS of MA Are you Ready for Medicare’s Annual Open Enrollment October 15-December 7? Have questions about your health plan or available plan types? Learn the differences between Medigap and Medicare Advantage plans and when you can switch plans. All are invited to attend regardless of insurance coverage. (No product information is presented). RSVP requested.
Tuesday, October 29 at 1 p.m. Live Game Show & Halloween Party Kevin Richman from It’s the Music Entertainment will produce a “live” TV-like game show (think Jeopardy, Family Feud, Wheel of Fortune). This program is filled with laughter and nostalgia as you get to be the stars of the show! Bring your quick-thinking friends with you. Halloween costumes are optional. We will be serving Halloween desserts and snacks. RSVP required.
Thursday, October 31 at 11 a.m. Fears and Phobias: The Brain’s Attraction to Spooky Things Whether it’s watching a horror movie, visiting a haunted house, or telling ghost stories around a campfire, many of us seek out experiences that give us a good scare. But why is that? With neuroscientist Kymberlee O’Brien, we’ll look into the brain to find out. RSVP requested.