August Program Highlights at the Norfolk Senior Center

RSVP to 508-528-4430 or register for programs in person at the Norfolk Senior Center, 28 Medway Branch Road. For a full list of activities, visit the Senior Center page on the town’s website:
August 1 to August 30 Senior Art Show at the Norfolk Library The Senior Center’s art classes will display their artwork at the Norfolk Library for the month of August. View watercolors, charcoal, colored drawings, photographs, computer art, and much more. There will be an Art Opening Celebration on Thursday August 1 at 12:30 p.m. Refreshments will be served.
Tuesday, August 6 at 1 p.m. AARP’s Six Pillars of Brain Health It’s never too late to take charge of your brain health! Learn about the six pillars of a brain-healthy lifestyle and share brain-boosting activities. This session is a good overview for anyone interested in improving their brain health and will provide actionable steps to take and resources to learn more. RSVP required.
Tuesday, August 6 at 6 p.m. Ice Cream Treat Party Cool off with your favorite ice cream treat! A variety of flavors will be available. RSVP required.
Wednesday, August 7 at 10:30 a.m. GOFI Dogs Meet & Greet Golden Opportunities for Independence (GOFI) is a nonprofit service dog organization that breeds, raises, and trains English Cream Golden Retrievers. In addition to service dogs, they train friendly police dogs and school resource dogs. Join us for an hour of furry fun and lots of pets! RSVP required.
Tuesday, August 13 at 1 p.m. Elder Law Education Program Learn about Elder Law issues, presented by Linda Fisher of Fisher Law LLC and sponsored by the MA Bar Association. Among the topics to be discussed are Veteran Affairs financial benefits, how to protect your home and assets, power of attorney and health care proxies, reverse mortgages, Homestead and Life Estates, Medicare/Medicaid changes, and alternatives to nursing home care. RSVP required.
Thursday, August 15 at 2 p.m. Mocktails and Cheese Learn how to create some nonalcoholic cocktails and sample a few varieties of cheese. Led by COA board member Debbie Grover. Limited to 15 people. RSVP required.
Tuesday, August 20 from 2 to 4 p.m. Patriots Hall of Fame Trip Get ready for football season and be one of the first people to participate in the Patriots Hall of Fame new pilot program. We will have a semi-guided tour of the Patriots Hall of Fame presented by RTX and a 30-minute talk on the Patriots Collections (unique items from the Patriots archives). RVSP required. Drive yourself event. Need at least 10 people for trip to run.
Tuesday, August 20 at 5 p.m. 50s and 60s Oldies Concert Back by popular demand, David Polatin & Jill Goldman, the Retro Polatin Duo, will perform vintage Rock ‘n Roll and classic hits. RSVP required.
Tuesday, August 27 from 3 to 7 p.m. Cupcakes and Cornhole Come to our end of summer celebration! We will be serving cupcakes and other refreshments and playing cornhole indoors. Multiple games will be set up. RSVP required.
Wednesday, August 28 at noon BBQ with Norfolk Fire Department and Friends End of summer BBQ will feature hamburgers and hotdogs, grilled by the Norfolk Fire Department, as well as side dishes. The Friends are providing the food. Seating is inside. Space limited to 60 people. RSVP required by August 23.