Norfolk Clean and Green Campaign Set for April 6

15th Annual Town-Wide Cleanup
The Norfolk Grange invites locals of all ages to celebrate Earth Day and participate in Norfolk’s 15th annual “Clean and Green Town-wide Cleanup” on Saturday, April 6. Volunteers of all ages are encouraged to pick up unsightly litter along roadways and public places to help beautify the community.
Participants may collect litter any day(s) of the week prior to and including April 6. Participants are asked to attest that the trash is not from a household.
Drop off collected litter and recyclables at the Grange Hall at 28 Rockwood Road from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. on April 6. Alternatively, participants may request their litter collection or large items be picked up at the site of the cleanup. Contact Kevin Roche at 508-328-5604 if you would like a pickup on April 6 by Lions Club volunteers.
During this event, if applicable, please follow Massachusetts Covid Safety Guidelines. Also, participants may pick up volunteer certificates documenting their community service during drop off times at the Grange Hall.
For more important safety and general information pertaining to this event, please visit the Norfolk Grange Facebook page at or contact Robin Biscaia at (508) 740-2777.