Wrentham Cultural Council Grant Cycle Open
Do you have an idea for a cultural program? The grant window for Wrentham’s Cultural Council funding is open until October 17.
All applications must be submitted online at https://massculturalcouncil.org/local-council/wrentham/.
Applications are considered with the following FY24 local priorities in mind:
• Performance Arts suitable for outdoor Arts Festival (Arts on the Common – late spring).
• Projects that are innovative, creative, collaborative, and community based.
• Projects that support established community cultural programs.
• Projects that show strong planning and evidence of ability to follow through.
• Programs and events that bring diverse voices into the community.
The WCC encourages applicants to team up with a local organization to jointly present a cultural project that has a specified program/event date and venue, a marketing plan for attracting the target audience to the program, and a contingency plan for partial grant funding. Average grants are modest ($300 – $600).
Applicants may not submit more than two project applications per grant cycle and are limited to two consecutive years that a particular project can be re-submitted for funding. Applicants must provide their own publicity materials for their project and make materials available to the Wrentham Cultural Council for publicity.