Norfolk Wins Jim Finn Award

This summer, the Norfolk Baseball Association entered three teams into the 8U Friendship summer baseball league. All three teams had great seasons with winning records and advanced as far as the divisional finals in the playoffs.
The Friendship League awards the Jim Finn Award to the town program with the best overall record. This year Norfolk took the honor and was awarded the Jim Finn Trophy, after their divisional final playoff games on Sunday, July 30 in Foxboro.
The award was accepted by head coaches Andy Fuller, Lee Margolis, and Zack McKeever, with all 30 of the town’s 8U players.
The Friendship League is a long-established Eastern Massachusetts summer travel baseball league specially designed for eight-year-old baseball players to help them develop their baseball skills and to introduce young players, their managers, coaches and families to summer travel baseball in a competitive, but friendly, environment. Over 60 teams participated in the League across more than 40 towns.