Norfolk Community Day Youth Art Show Winners on Exhibit at Norfolk Public Library

Madeline Svalbe
Congratulations to all those who entered the 12th annual Youth Art Show! This show was open to all Norfolk residents in Grades 1 through 6. All submitted artwork was displayed at Norfolk Community Day on Saturday, June 10. In addition, the winning entries are being recognized in an exhibit of their own at the Norfolk Public Library from June 26 through the end of August.

Helena Vives
The theme for this year’s show was “My Community.” This art show is unique in that it showcases all levels of interest in art and all manner of creativity. The collection of work was created by young artists and enthusiasts, as well as one-time drawers. It is an exceptional show and we encourage you to stop by the library to view this wonderful exhibit.
All submitted artwork received an Honorable Mention Award, with place awards given in each school and in a Dimensional Artwork (3D) category. There was also an overall Grand Prize winner. Winners were selected based on artistic creativity, originality and attention to the stated theme. The Grand Prize winner and the 1st place winner of each group received a Barnes and Noble gift card.
Once again, congratulations to all of our young artists!
Grand Prize
GP Stephen Amante
H.O.D. School
1st Lucy McDermott
2nd Ashley Zhu
3rd Hope Koch
Freeman Kennedy School
1st Michael Kozikowski
2nd Madeline Svalbe
3rd Maddie McDermott
Dimensional Artwork
1st Lilia Dimova
2nd Joseph Marcin
3rd Kylie O’Brien