Wrentham Holds Groundbreaking Ceremony for Center Lot Improvement Project

From left: Director of Facilities and Capital Planning Chad Lovett, Assistant Town Administrator Gregory Enos, Town Administrator Kevin Sweet, Chair of the Board of Selectmen Joseph F. Botaish, II, Selectman Chris Gallo, Selectman Jim Anderson, and Selectman Bill Harrington broke ground on the Center Street Lot on Thursday, March 30. (Photo Courtesy of the Town of Wrentham)
A groundbreaking ceremony for Wrentham’s Center Lot improvement project was held on Thursday, March 30. Town officials broke ground on the improvement project that began on Monday, April 3.
The Center Lot project will be paid for with American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) funds. Improvements will include paving the lot, adding pedestrian walkways, constructing, landscaping and future EV charging stations.
The lot’s new design was created by design engineer Dan Campbell of Level Design Group, LLC. The group, based out of Plainville, worked closely with Wrentham’s Director of Facilities and Capital Planning, Chad Lovett, and other town officials.
The lot located on the corner of Route 1A and Route 140 in downtown Wrentham has been vacant since the Wrentham Center School was demolished in the 1970s. The dirt lot was used as parking for visitors dining nearby or attending events on the common. Civic and non-profit groups have also held fundraisers to support local groups such as the Girl Scouts and the Sohoanno Garden Club.
“This project is a vital piece in keeping Wrentham’s beautiful and vibrant downtown area accessible for residents and visitors,” Town Administrator Kevin Sweet said. “This property has been underutilized for decades and this project will allow its potential to be more fully realized.”
I.W. Harding was awarded the contract for the construction work following a public bidding process earlier this year.
Visit www.wrentham.gov for more information and updates on the project.