Norfolk Residents: Keep Informed Via Town Alerts

In an effort to keep community members informed about the latest town news, Norfolk recently launched its new notification system, E-Notify. The town’s Select Board is encouraging resi-dents to sign up to receive alerts about important town updates via the newly available alert system.
E-Notify allows residents to receive town communications from the comfort of their homes. Norfolk residents can sign up for custom text and email alerts and adjust their communication preferences as they see fit. Available alerts include Town News, Job Opportunities, updates per-taining to the Town of Norfolk Master Plan, the Fire Station Building Project, and more.
To sign up for E-Notify, residents can visit and click “Subscribe to Stay In-formed” on the website’s home page. Users will then be prompted to enter their email addresses and begin managing their subscriptions.
“Since day one, we’ve operated with the understanding that an engaged and informed community is a critical component of effective town government,” said Select Board member Kevin Kalkut. “This service, along with other new avenues to meet residents where they are, will help connect our neighbors to the amazing work being done here in Norfolk.”
In addition to using E-Notify, the town of Norfolk continues to host Select Board and Advisory Committee meetings in a hybrid format to allow for community members to participate in person or online via Zoom. These meetings are also aired by NCTV to be streamed live or available on-demand via YouTube.
The town of Norfolk’s official Facebook page and the town’s community Facebook page also serve as a communication channel for residents to receive up dates on upcoming events and projects. All social media posts direct residents to the town’s website, where they can find accompanying resources and staff contact information.
“The town of Norfolk has lots of great news to be shared with residents, and we hope that through these channels our residents will stay informed and up to date with the latest happenings around town,” Town Administrator Justin CasanovaDavis said.