Garden Plots Available for Community Garden

Norfolk’s community garden is gearing up to open on April 15, and there are a limited number of plots available to Norfolk residents on a first come, first served basis.
If any beds are not reserved by May 15, registration will be open to non-residents.
The garden consists of 31 plots in total. All are raised bed plots inside an 8’ high fence. Twenty-six beds are 2’ X 3’ X 19” high and are $35 each. There are also three accessible beds measuring 10’ X 3’ X 30” and two smaller beds measuring 6’ X 3’ x 19” high. These beds are $25 each.
Norfolk Recreation, in conjunction with the Norfolk Lions Club, manage the community garden, which is located at 49 Rockwood Road. The gardening season starts April 15 and ends on October 30.
To reserve a plot, or for more information, visit Look for “Community Garden” under the information tab for the rules and regulations. To reserve a bed, registration and payment is required. This may be done online or in the office. The Norfolk Recreation office is located at Town Hall, 1 Liberty Lane.
For more information, contact the Recreation Department at (508 )520-1315 or email [email protected].