Have Fun…While Avoiding that Summer Slide!
Maryline Michel Kulewicz and Tracy Sullivan of College 101 Admissions Consultants
If you don’t use it, you lose it? In a recent study published in the American Educational Research Journal, “the average student lost 17–34% of the prior year’s learning gains during summer break.” The summer slide can affect all students, but for high school students it is most worrisome. They are juggling ACT, SAT, AP exams plus AP and IB courses. They can not afford to start their junior or senior year behind.
At the same time, we all need to recognize that learning is not linear. The learning process will change, slow down, speed up, and take adventuresome scenic routes. So it is true that a student shouldn’t spend their summer gaming or binging Netflix, but equally important is to not spend their summer days only studying. It is all about balance, and understanding that learning can come in many different forms. We all need time to recharge and find relaxing ways to keep learning. Here are a few summer ideas for students:
• Reading: Try to mix up your assigned reading with some of your favorites - classics (Pride & Prejudice), novels (The House in the Cerulean Sea), and magazines (The Sun or even People). Just a few ideas. Since the SAT Reading section focuses on reading and comprehension, you can increase your scores by reading books that you enjoy!
• Journaling: It can help you with college applications. It is a great way to record your adventures and why they matter to you (essay content). Writing about yourself is a great way to improve self awareness (college preferences), and keeping track of your successes is very important (activity resume).
• Get a job: Involvement is one of the top 5 things colleges look for in a prospective student. It can also be fun- such as working at your favorite ice cream spot with your friends. You could also ask a local business if they need a savvy young intern, or if you are passionate about a cause then you could volunteer at your favorite non-profit. Holding down any job conveys a good work ethic, maturity, and character.
• Test Prep: Time management can be tricky once the fall comes, but doing test prep during the summer can be less overwhelming. Here are a few resources:
Using eprep.com is a good tool for the self motivated student.
Improving your vocabulary can be easy utilizing apps, such as SAT Word of the Day or SAT Word Slam.
Recently we learned about Freerice.com - a fantastic website that with every right answer, they give 20 grains of rice to the United Nations’ World Food Program.
Message for rising seniors: Get as much done over the summer, so you can enjoy your senior year!
• Touring campuses when school is in session is ideal, but that is not always possible - so hit the road during the summer.
• Finalize your college list with 8 to 10 schools.
• Continue your test prep if you are planning on taking a fall SAT or ACT exam.
• Finish your personal statement essay by the end of July.
• Finish your activity resume by the end of July.
• Be ready to start working on the Common Application once available - August 1st.
• Create an essay tracker for your college supplemental essays and check if there are any essay overlaps. This will cut down on the number of essays you will need to write.
Remember, play hard…but don’t forget to work hard!
College 101 Admissions Consultants LLC. Website: www.mycollege101.com. Email: [email protected]. Phone: (508) 380-3845.