Significant Damage to Wrentham Town Hall from Burst HVAC System Coil Portions of Building to Be Closed for Repairs for Several Months

Wrentham Town Hall sustained significant damage during the weekend of April 10 due to an HVAC ceiling unit coil that burst.
Since then, multiple town officials as well as emergency clean-up crews have been on site addressing the extent of the damage.
Excessive water damage was sustained across several offices throughout the building, including the Town Administrator’s office, Assessor’s office, Accounting office, Nurses’ office, and portions of the hallway on both floors.
The town has closed portions of the building to staff until repairs can be made. Conference spaces and the Assessor’s office have been relocated to the library for temporary space. While no exact timeline has been established, it is expected it will be several months before the building is fully repaired and reopened.
The entire building remains closed to the public until further notice.
A forensics review of the control system throughout the building has already begun to determine the exact cause of the incident.
Despite the closure of several offices, the town will continue to provide a continuity of operations to serve members of the community. Anyone wishing to reach a member of the town can do so by calling one of the following numbers:
Board of Assessors: 508-384-5408
Board of Health: 508-384-5480
Public Health Nurses: 508-384-5485
Board of Selectmen/Administration: 508-384-5400
Treasurer/Collector: 508-384-5413
Town Clerk: 508-384-5415
The town’s insurance provider is working on procuring office trailers to accommodate staff on-site, and trailers are anticipated to be in place soon.
“Having closed Town Hall for the better part of the past year due to the COVID-19 pandemic, town officials are already familiar with working remotely and serving residents in this manner,” Town Administrator Kevin Sweet said. “We are confident that we will continue to be able to provide a high level of service to all Wrentham residents despite the disruption this damage will cause.”
The town will keep the public informed on the restoration of the building as well as when it will be reopened to staff and the public.