Downtown Zoning Changes Headed to Town Meeting for Vote Norfolk Town Meeting Set for May 8

Norfolk’s Town Hall is located in the B-1 District. Zoning changes for the district are up for a vote at Town Meeting.
By Grace Allen
Norfolk residents will weigh in on proposed zoning changes for the center of town at the May 8 Town Meeting. The area, known as the B-1 District, is the town’s primary business district.
In early 2019, the B-1 District Zoning Committee was formed to study the town center and recommend changes to encourage responsible development while still preserving the town’s character. The committee is made up of residents and town officials.
A community survey, town studies, and community meetings identified priorities for the town center, which included a pedestrian-oriented, mixed-used New England village with commercial services and housing.
An independent, third-party consultant from the Metropolitan Area Planning Council worked with the B-1 Committee to develop the zoning improvements.
The town has been trying to encourage development in its center with limited success. While there have been a couple of major redevelopment projects in the last few years, there are still several large, undeveloped lots in the B-1 District that town officials say are vulnerable to unregulated, maximum-density 40B projects.
Currently, there are eight 40B projects in various stages of development throughout Norfolk.
The Saturday, May 8 Town Meeting will be held outdoors at King Philip Regional High School’s football field with a rain date of May 15. At press time, the start time of the meeting had not yet been set. Masks will be required for all attendees unless seated. Visit the town’s website at for updated information and for the Town Meeting warrant.
Documents and studies from the B-1 District Zoning Committee are available on the town’s website.