King Philip Leo Club Completes Community Service Projects
Mar 01, 2021 02:56PM ● By Della Conlin KP Leo Club Publicist
The King Philip Leo Club recently completed two successful community service projects.

Leo Club members, with the help of the KP National Honor Society, made and donated 60 blankets to Project Remember Me. Project Remember Me was started by Nick Georgette, KP Class of 2017, to honor his father who passed away from early-onset Alzheimer’s disease at the age of 55. Nick noticed that residents in the nursing home where his father lived frequently did not have warm blankets, so he started collecting and distributing blankets to them as a way to show someone cared.
The KP Leo Club also worked last month to create Valentine’s Day cards for residents of the Wrentham Developmental Center. With the help of the KP Peer Mentor program and local Girl Scout troops, the Leo Club gave over 200 hand-written cards to residents, surpassing their goal.
The KP Leo Club would like to thank everyone who participated in these projects.