Norfolk Uses Green Communities Grant for 5 Projects
Jan 29, 2021 04:11PM ● By Chuck Tashjian
Norfolk was designated a Green Community by the Massachusetts Department of Energy Resources (MA DOER) on February 3, 2020.
At that time, Norfolk was awarded a grant of $144,600.
The Norfolk Energy Committee worked with the Norfolk Town Facilities Department to develop five energy projects to improve energy efficiency in town buildings. These projects included: refrigeration upgrades at the Freeman-Kennedy and H. Olive Day Schools, lighting upgrades at the library and at H. Olive Day School, DPW insulation and weather-stripping improvements, and the purchase of an infrared camera to identify energy losses in town buildings.
Three of the five projects have been completed. The remaining two will most likely be completed soon. These projects will result in reduced energy consumption for the town of Norfolk.
Later this year, the Energy Committee will be looking to apply for additional funding for energy efficient projects through MA DOER Competitive Grants Award program.
One member of the Energy Committee, Larry Sullivan, was recognized for his contribution to the Norfolk Green Energy Initiative and awarded the MA DOER “Leading by Example" award.
In a statement, Sullivan said, “The award belongs to all the members of the Energy Committee and the Norfolk Facilities Department in developing these Green Community Projects.”
For more information about the "Leading by Example Award,” visit the MA DOER website: