KP District Announces Curbside Meal Distribution Extension Curbside Meal Distribution Extended Until June 2021

The King Philip Regional
School District’s curbside meal
program will be extended until
June 2021, announced Superintendent Paul Zinni and Director
of Cafeteria Services Mary Ann
The King Philip Food Service
Department began its curbside
meal distribution prior to the
start of the school year on Tuesday, Sept. 15. In the first 13 days
of the program, the district distributed a total of 1,829 lunches
and 1,665 breakfasts.
At the beginning of the program, the food service department cooked, packaged and
bagged meals for pickup every
Monday and Thursday for a
total of seven lunches and seven
To coincide with the start
of the district’s hybrid learning
model, the King Philip Food
Service Department will now be
serving meals once per week on
Parents/guardians can pick
up the meals every Wednesday
from 11 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. or 4
to 5 p.m. at the high school bus
loop, door 6. Students do not
need to be in the vehicle for pick
The program will provide
seven days of breakfast and
lunch meals for all students participating in remote learning, and
seven breakfast and five lunch
meals for all students participating in hybrid learning.
For students participating
in the hybrid learning model,
lunches will be provided to Cohort A & B students Monday
through Friday while they are
in school buildings. All breakfast
meals will only be available curbside regardless of if students are
in the building or remote.
“We encourage all of our students to take advantage of this
program and receive curbside
meals,” Director Reynolds said.
“The USDA is covering the cost
of the meals so they are free to
all. This program is also completely confidential and not just
for low income students.”
The district will supply meals
for the number of students who
request the service. Curbside
meals do not need to be preordered, students can request
a meal in their first period class
while in the building. There are
no meal benefit requirements
at this time to receive the meals
and they are available to all King
Philip High School and Middle
School students.
Anyone with any questions,
concerns or allergy or dietary
restrictions should contact Director Reynolds at 508-384-1000
ext. 3338 or at [email protected].
Prior to this meal program,
the King Philip Regional School
District partnered with the Hockomock YMCA to provide meals
for students throughout the summer. During this program the
Hockomock YMCA served approximately 2,640 lunches and
2,640 breakfasts between June
to September to the King Philip,
Plainville, Norfolk and Wrentham school communities. Upon
the conclusion of this regional
program, the King Philip Food
Service Department began its
own curbside meal distribution
for the school year.