KP Leo Club Continues Commitment to Service during 2020-21 School Year
Nov 27, 2020 09:46AM ● By Makayla Hickey, King Philip Leo Club President
The King Philip chapter of
Leo Club has always been committed to giving back to the community and has not strayed from
this mission during the current
challenging school year. The
Leo Club has found ways to
safely serve the towns of Norfolk,
Wrentham, and Plainville, adapting to the current circumstances
and offering countless volunteer
opportunities to members.
Despite the late start of the
school year, Leos still found service opportunities. In August
they volunteered with the YMCA
at its annual backpack drive. Leo
Club members donated school
supplies and then sorted and
filled backpacks for distribution
to local families, all done in a safe
and effective manner. Later that
month, Leos painted rocks with
messages of gratitude to thank
the first responders who have
been working tirelessly to keep
everyone safe during the pandemic.
One of the main goals of the
King Philip Leo Club is to make
a change within the tri-town
area, and Leos did exactly that
by helping to restore the trails at
the Campbell Forest in Norfolk.

Working alongside the Norfolk Lions, members raked the trails, spread mulch, and removed debris. The hard work that Leos put in while cleaning these outdoor trails opened up the area so that it could be enjoyed once again by families in the community. The King Philip Leos also wanted to ensure that Halloween would be as enjoyable as possible for kids in Norfolk, Wrentham, and Plainville, offering their aid to multiple events that provided safe fall festivities. The Norfolk Lions Haunted Train Ride is a much-loved, annual event popular with area families. Leos were ecstatic to help out when the Lions approached them with a modified version of the event, a Haunted Car Crawl. Leos donated carved pumpkins and helped decorate spooky scenes at the FreemanKennedy School, where the car crawl was held. The Leos also dressed in costumes that night and helped make the event memorable for all of the families who drove through. After a successful evening, Leos helped the Norfolk Lions clean up. Another Halloween event, the Fiske Library Jack O’ Lantern Drive Through, was also supported by the KP Leos. The Leos donated creatively carved pumpkins and then helped line the road with the jack o’ lanterns. This memorable night was enjoyed by all who attended. Even with the restrictions in place this year, the KP Leos have persisted and acted as inspirations within the tri-town area. They are currently collecting holiday cards, gifts, and essentials that will be donated to Rosie’s Place, Medway Family Shelter, and currently deployed soldiers this holiday season. The Leos hope to continue making an impact and have even more creative and safe events lined up for the rest of the 2020-2021 school year that they are excited to share with the community! The King Philip Leo Club is a group focused on community service and is open to all students. As the youngest members of Lions Club International, the Leos’ motto is to “serve as positive agents of change within their communities.”