Norfolk’s Freeman-Kennedy School Instrumental Music Program Produces Virtual Performances

The Freeman-Kennedy
School Instrumental Music
Program has produced, and
will continue to produce, virtual performances amid the
COVID-19 pandemic, announced Superintendent Dr.
Ingrid Allardi recently.
The first virtual performance
was shared with the FreemanKennedy School community
on Saturday, Nov. 7. The virtual performance, created by
Instrumental Teacher John
Fouracre, consisted of a compilation of numerous students
playing the flute, clarinet, saxophone, trombone, trumpet and
percussion instruments to the
tune of “High Adventure.”
The program expects to
share a virtual performance
each month with families. Each
performance will showcase a
group piece compiled of numerous students’ videos to the
tune of one song and students’
solo pieces.
Student participation is optional. Any student who wishes
to submit a solo piece to be
included in the virtual performances will have the opportunity to do so. Currently, 14
students have submitted solo
pieces to be featured.
To create the virtual performances, Fouracre’s students
pre-record videos of themselves
performing a piece with their
instrument of choice. Once
the videos are recorded by the
students and uploaded to Flipgrid, Fouracre then edits them
together in Final Cut Pro to
make a supercut.
“These virtual performances
provide the students the opportunity to take pride in their
work and showcase their talents in the absence of our usual
concerts,” Fouracre said. “As a
performance program, we have
had the challenge of working to
find an alternative to our usual
in-person concerts. These performance recordings allow our
students to virtually play a song
together while performing from
the safety of their own homes.”
The Freeman-Kennedy
School Instrumental Music
Program, under the direction
of Mr. John Fouracre, is open
to all students in grades four
through six. All who choose to
participate are given the opportunity to learn about music in
a variety of settings which include lessons, sectional rehearsals, two weekly morning band
rehearsals and performances.