THE BLACK BOX to Continue Outdoor Concert Series This Fall

The shows are presented in a 60-70 minute format. Tables are socially distanced and masks are required when patrons enter THE BLACK BOX building to access the box office, restrooms, and bar. Table groupings are limited to six.
The Fall Concert Series will feature an eclectic lineup of performers including the continuation of the theater’s Broadway Series. The public is encouraged to follow THE BLACK BOX on Facebook (THE BLACK BOX Online), Instagram (@the_black_box_online), and Twitter (@BLACK_BOXonline) for performer announcements.
Patrons are asked to purchase tickets for their table group in one transaction. Audience members are only seated with family or those with whom they are comfortable socializing. Tables of up to six are set with the correct number of chairs and will be reserved according to the number of people to be seated. Ushers assist the seating process. There is bar service to the tables; the lobby bar is closed for walk-up service. Masks and social distancing are required in the lobby; typical gathering in the lobby is currently not allowed. Bar tabs will be closed out before the end of each show
Tickets will be available at or by calling (508) 528-3370. THE BLACK BOX is located at 15 W. Central St. in downtown