Updates from the Fiske Public Library

Library Building Remains Closed to the Public
Curbside Delivery
We are continuing to offer curbside delivery for materials that are on the shelves or have been requested from other libraries since delivery has now resumed. Curbside pickup will be available Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday from 2 to 4 p.m.
The NEW BOOK LISTINGS PAGE has been updated so you can see what has been arriving while we have been closed. The procedure for requesting a book is as follows:
1. You can place a hold on an item using the SAILS e-catalog on the library website or call us at 508-384-5440 x2 with your request(s). You must include your name and telephone number and library card barcode if you call.
2. We will call you when your item is available. Please be sure we have the correct phone number for you or we will not be able to reach you.
3. When you arrive at the library during the pickup hours:
• Wait at the door if there are no other patrons waiting.
• Call to let us know you have arrived or simply ring the doorbell located above the bookdrop.
• We will bring your item(s) to the front door.
Something New to try at Fiske Library
Are you looking for a new outdoor hobby? Something to do alone or with your kids while social distancing? How about geocaching, which is the world's largest treasure hunt? Visit geocaching.com to watch an instructional video, download a free app, then put on your sneakers and enjoy! Guess what?? You can find your first cache at FISKE PUBLIC LIBRARY! Come find our Bibliocache! You'll find that discovery, exploration and adventure still exist in the real world. It gets you outside! It's a great way to stay healthy while having fun. It's fun for the whole family. You'll discover places you never knew existed right in your own neighborhood. You will have stories to last a lifetime. Enjoy and share!
Story Walk
Looking for a place to social distance, take the kids for a walk in the fresh air and enjoy a good book at the same time? Check out the new Story Walk on the lawn at the Fiske Public Library. There is even a surprise in the children's room window when you reach the end. (Miss Liz will be changing the stories periodically during the summer!) Look for updates on our website or FaceBook page. Happy Reading!
Free Access to Ancestry.Com
Ancestry.com is now available remotely. The existing link under RESOURCES - ONLINE DATABASES has the instructions on how to access for free.
In addition, remember you can access books, movies, music and magazines online from Overdrive and Hoopla. Links to these and other remote resources are on the library’s website.